Friday, 1 May 2020

Developing India

Developing India 

India is a land of culture, languages, history and lifestyle. Sports like chess, hockey, football and world champions in cricket, miss world, miss universe, entertainment, music, and the list goes on. India is good at it all. Most of the smartest people in technology are originally from India. For a matter of fact even science. Some of the richest people are again Indians.
So when we speak of development what exactly or which areas, does India really need to be developed. Infrastructure? Well, we do need better infrastructure but actually it's not that very important if you look at it from a different perspective. In a country like India with people from different religions, beliefs, cultures, lifestyles, etc. It would be very important to educate people in mainly etiquettes, manners, respect for others and hygiene.
Most of us are always right in our own cultural or religious ways. But is this enough in an open and wide world out there. A few highlights that really stood out are, firstly, It took our prime minister a visit to a foreign country to persuit a cleaner India. But I must ask, has it worked? Are people really aiming to keep up the prime ministers mission 'swatch bharat'? Sadly no. It has become more of a slogan then anything else. How can you expect someone to cleanup if he doesn't know how untidy and unhygienic it is to him and everyone living around him. Even the building of toilets hasn't been a success. Why? Because people haven't been educated on proper hygiene and a better community living. If the government enforces education on proper hygiene, cleanliness of surroundings, then may be things will be different. People will then build their own toilets after knowing for what and why their used for, and even keep their surroundings and neighborhood clean. There should be a strict law that if anyone found littering be fined. Don't think it's possible? Why not? Look at all the Indians living in other foreign countries. They don't behave the same as in India.? They comply and live by the rules of that country.
In India everyone says, our women never dress up like the western because they have respect. Really? Is that true? The women in other western countries show more skin that the women in India. But yet India has the highest molestation and rape percentage in the world. It is rated as the most unsafe country for women.
Only less than a quarter of India has really developed than compared to the majority who really don't care and are ignorant.
Will India still be developing? Will our government still fight among themselves just to rule and make money for themselves? Will they ever think of making this country a better place to live in than just showing how they have lived while in power? Will criminals still be permitted to contest for elections?
With all these questions India will still be the most corrupt and developing country.

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