Thursday, 30 April 2020

A Crew Member's Life At Sea

A Crew member's Life At Sea 

Okay, okay, the pay is great and so are the travel opportunities but what is it really like living onboard a cruise ship?
Life onboard a cruise ship, or ship of any kind is different than any living experience you’re likely to have had on land. Because of maritime laws, regulations and a history of powerful traditions, life at sea has regulations and routines that must be followed. Positions and hierarchy onboard a cruise ship are taken seriously, which typically translates into a social and living environment ruled by protocols and fairly strict rules. The captain, naturally, is the highest-ranking officer onboard and persons in more subordinate roles usually are well aware of the higher-ranking officers to whom they report. It isn’t all regime and military like administrations, but ship employees usually account work environments different from those they’ve experienced on land and report it as one that closely mirrors a naval model. As it turns out, many people enjoy the structure and organization of life on a cruise ship and while in the beginning it takes some getting used to, it often translates into a work environment where people thrive.

Perhaps the biggest and most obvious difference is that you are living at sea, instead of on land. This lends to a myriad of lifestyle differences, including differences in weather. Even in calm environments, the ocean can be unpredictable. Storms at sea are somewhat legendary and high winds and rough waters come with the territory. Passengers onboard (staff included) are always safe onboard the ship, but for some people, storms at sea and other oceanic factors go unconsidered. For others, salty air in their face, open seas, even in rough weather, sounds like an adventurer’s dream come true and are part of the positives they look forward to when considering life on a cruise ship. Needless to say, it can be an exciting and exhilarating way of life.

It’s true, the living conditions for employees on a cruise ship, especially smaller or older ships, can be cramped. Most often employees share a small room with one or two other people. On large cruise ships these living spaces are similar to a standard passenger cabin but again, these spaces are shared and particularly small. Some higher-ranking officers have single cabins and married couples can apply to live together, however these circumstances are few and far between. Potential employees must also consider the length of time they will be living in a room such as this, which can often be for several months at a time. Cruise line employees usually room in areas away from the passenger cabins. They are typically grouped together, by department and in some cases, even nationality. This creates friendships and tight nit relationships among employees of the same department and ‘team’ atmospheres are often used to describe the social nature among employees.

Perhaps the largest factor when it comes to being comfortable with the living environment on a cruise ship is simply adjusting. As is anything new, it can be difficult at first, but most people are able to acclimate to these living environments fairly quickly and don’t consider them an area of stress or discontent.

The schedule of a cruise ship employee is another area that requires some adjusting. Because you live at your place of work and because of the nature of the work, most employees are required to perform some work responsibilities each day. Some days require more work than others (sea days and turn over or embarkation days) and each schedule varies depending on the position. For Cruise Staff employees, and other positions that interact with guests, it can begin to feel like they are on staff 24-hours a day. This is because most companies require their staff to wear company shirts or uniforms and name tags even when they are off duty. This means being stopped to answer questions, give directions and most certainly means having an approachable and sunny disposition at all times whether it be on or off shift.

People who want to avoid the feeling of always being “on”, usually find themselves avoiding public places during their hours off and can typically find a niche onboard where they can escape the demands of work for a few hours and enjoy some time alone. All of this usually just takes time to adjust to the difference. Because the ship provides all the laundry, cooking and cleaning, employees don’t have to worry about mundane daily tasks during their time off, and can use those hours for personal or social time. Most ships have employee-only dining halls, lounges and bars, so there are venues specifically designed for employees where they can enjoy being around their peers. Also, while a ship is at port there are usually lots of fun activities to take part in, off the ship. All of these factors help with the feeling of cabin fever, demanding work schedules and other difficult aspects of life onboard.

For the most part, cruise ship employees are happy to have a job which affords them such great benefits, travel and earning potential. While the living quarters and schedules are typically seen as draw backs to the job, they are simply adjustments that need to be made. Most employees will tell you these small drawbacks are worth the positives of working onboard a cruise ship.

Cruise Ship Eaters

Cruise Ship Eaters

Ever wondered if people eat to live or live to eat? It's natural that we need to eat to live. But what about those who live to eat?try spending a few days with such people and you wouldn't believe what you see. One of the best places to experience this is on a cruise ship. People start in the morning and go on untill after midnight.

After having breakfast 2 times finishing at 11am they are ready for lunch at 11.30 am. You will see them having plates after plates. Soups, salads, roasts and cuts, seafood, fruits desserts, ice-cream everything. They can have it all.

Unbelievable but it's true. Then soon its tea time at 3.30pm to 5.00pm which is never missed. Dinner was served from 5.00 to 10.00pm which is the main course of the day. How could one digest or even be able to eat so much is really hard to understand . Food zombies is what I call them.
I used to think that after the first 2or 3days of the cruise that they would go easy on the food, but no. It gets even worse. It's also funny when they start to complain about the food. The food is too salty, too rich, spicy, oily, are some of the most common complaints. What's more amusing is that when they have eaten everything from their plate they say that the food wasn't good at all.

Are people really that hungry? Do they never get to eat enough in everyday life? Is it that they eat for the later days to come? Or is it just a mission that needs to be accomplished? Food is good. It taste good when it's cooked, boiled, grilled, baked, steamed, or sometimes just raw. My conclusion enjoy it sensibly.

The Lady At The Well

     The Lady At The Well 

We may have come across many man of God in the Bible, but women of God not that many. This is a story of a woman who was not know for her past good deeds or choices, but the circumstances that she faced during her life didn't stop her from living a life filled with love for God.

This is a fascinating story and in fact one of the longest conversations ever recorded that Jesus had with a woman. (JN: 4). The gospel of John gives a brief discription about her past and present life. But in this, questions arise, weather she was really a sinner? Or Why did she have so many divorces (if she really did) or why did she have more than one husband.

Back in the days Samaritans had a levirate marriage law, so it might have been possible that her husbands did not survive long enough. Also Samaritan women were betrothed in infancy which makes it another possibility that she might have married older men and outlived them. And for her to live and be supported in her everyday life she would have had to have a man to be looked after considering the fact if she had no one else. With a life like this, in society, she would definitely be looked down upon. It is highly unlikely that she had so many divorces because divorces back then were not encouraged and that too five times. But she did live a sinful life.

On her daily routine to get water from a well she meets a complete stranger. Being asked for water by him she surprisingly asked 'how is it that you being a jew ask a Samaritan for a drink.'. Little did she know that she was going to draw living water (salvation) from this man Jesus.

Jesus, knowing her current situation uses it to build a conversation with her. He wanted to use this same woman who was not looked up in society to be His messenger. As soon as she learns who Jesus was, leaves everything and runs to her town telling everyone who Jesus really was knowing everything about her life. Without a doubt people believed her and her testimony. Jesus uses her as a key to enter her town so as to many could believed in Him.

No matter what your life's situation was or even is at the moment, Jesus sees you differently and if you humbly accept Him just like the Samaritan woman things will change drastically for you.
The woman's name nor her life soon after that was not really known. But early records state, the Orthodox believe that she was baptized by the apostles during the Pentecost and took the name Photini meaning the "enlightened one" and also being equal-to-the apostles. She is believed to have converted many people including her five sisters and two sons and journeyed as a missionary to Carthage in North Africa. She later proclaimed of having a vision of Jesus telling her to go to Rome and minister to the emperor.
Nero was emperor of Rome and the most cruel of a person to Christians. Having heard of Photini, he had her arrested and tortured. Including her family and followers. The tortures were too horrifying and graphic. Nero ordered to be brought to him and asked her to bow down to his idols. Refusing give up Christ and obey him, Photini was then martyred by her being thrown into a dry well after her skin was flayed.

In this true story we see that after that day when she met Jesus at the well her life changed. She became devoted to God and served His purpose. In the world's eyes she might not have had an happy ending but she counted it all joy to live for Christ for a heavy reward awaits her in Haven.
Jesus said (Mathew 10:39) "whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it."

A Cry For Injustice

A Cry For Injustice Many of us have come across people around us who are in power or very influential ones who think that th...